АНХААР 1: ШУУД ҮЗЭХ дээр дарахад өөр кино гарч ирэх эсвэл удаан уншаад цагаан болчихоод юу ч гарахгүй байвал browser-ийнхоо кэйшийг цэвэрлэх эсвэл өөр browser ашиглана уу.
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The Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption
Action, Admin' Favorite Movies, iMDB TOP 250
142 min.
8.7 de 19240 votes
Frank Darabont, James Ellis Deakins, Jesse V. Johnson, John R. Woodward, Michael Greenwood, Robert Barnett, Sioux Richards, Thomas Schellenberg
Alan R. Kessler, Alfonso Freeman, Alonzo F. Jones, Bill Bolender, Bob Gunton, Brian Brophy, Brian Delate, Brian Libby, Charlie Kearns, Chuck Brauchler, Claire Slemmer, Clancy Brown, Cornell Wallace, Dana Snyder, David Proval, Dennis Baker, Dion Anderson, Don McManus, Donald Zinn, Dorothy Silver, Eugene C. DePasquale, Frank Medrano, Fred Culbertson, Gary A. Jones, Gary Lee Davis, Gil Bellows, Gordon Greene, Harold E. Cope Jr., James Babson, James Kisicki, James Whitmore, Jeffrey DeMunn, Joe Pecoraro, John D. Craig, John E. Summers, John Horton, John R. Woodward, Joseph Ragno, Jude Ciccolella, Ken Magee, Larry Brandenburg, Mack Miles, Mark Rolston, Morgan Freeman, Morgan Lund, Ned Bellamy, Neil Giuntoli, Neil Summers, Paul Kennedy, Paul McCrane, Renee Blaine, Richard Doone, Rob Reider, Robert Haley, Rohn Thomas, Ron Newell, Scott Mann, Sergio Kato, Tim Robbins, V.J. Foster, William Sadler
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